Source code for subway.config

import config from ``config.json``

import os
import json
from .cons import work_dir
from .utils import load_json, _transform_json

config_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".subway", "config.json")
conf = load_json(config_path)

assert conf.get("work_dir", work_dir) == work_dir

conf["work_dir"] = work_dir
conf["config_path"] = config_path
conf["history_path"] = os.path.join(work_dir, ".subway", "history.json")
history = load_json(conf["history_path"])

[docs]def _conf_abs_dir(prefix): relkey = prefix + "_dir" abskey = prefix + "_abs_dir" if conf.get(relkey): conf[abskey] = os.path.join(conf["work_dir"], conf[relkey])
for prefix in ["inputs", "outputs", "check_inputs", "check_outputs"]: _conf_abs_dir(prefix)
[docs]def update_history(): """ write ``history`` in memory back to ``history.json``. :return: None. """ with open(conf["history_path"], "w") as f: json.dump(history, f, indent=2, default=_transform_json)
[docs]def update_conf(): """ write ``conf`` in memory back to ``config.json``. :return: None. """ with open(conf["config_path"], "w") as f: json.dump(conf, f, indent=2)