Source code for subway.cli

cli interface for sub init and more

import argparse  # click might be better, but as hpc app, we try our best to only use builtin module
import os
import sys
import json
import shutil
import subprocess
from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime

from .bootstrap import env_init
from .utils import (
from .htree import HTree
from .exceptions import CLIException, NoAttribute, TestBubble
from . import version

[docs]class SubwayCLI:
[docs] def __init__(self, _argv=None, _test=False): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="subway is comming...") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--directory", dest="dir", default=os.getcwd(), help="project dir" ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", dest="version", default=False, action="store_true", help="subway version", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command") # init params initparser = subparsers.add_parser( "init", aliases="i", description="init subway project" ) initparser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", dest="conf", default=None, help="config.json path" ) # help params helpparser = subparsers.add_parser( "help", aliases="h", description="help on subway" ) # run params runparser = subparsers.add_parser( "run", aliases="r", description="check and submit jobs" ) # query params queryparser = subparsers.add_parser( "query", aliases="q", description="query information on jobs" ) queryparser.add_argument( "-j", "--job", dest="path", default=None, help="the task investigated" ) queryparser.add_argument( "-s", "--statement", dest="statement", default=None, help="the query string" ) queryparser.add_argument(dest="action", help="query action for task", nargs="?") configparser = subparsers.add_parser( "config", aliases="c", description="config subway" ) configparser.add_argument(dest="action", help="action on config") debugparser = subparsers.add_parser( "debug", aliases="d", description="debug related commands" ) debugparser.add_argument(dest="object", help="object for debug") debugparser.add_argument( dest="action", help="action for debug", nargs="?", default=None ) debugparser.add_argument("-f", "--from", dest="_from", default="template") # TODO: automatic way to add help for subparser, eg. decorator of query funcs # TODO: plugable subcommands, eg slurm self.parser = parser if not _argv: _argv = sys.argv[1:] self._test = _test self.args = parser.parse_args(_argv) # print(_argv, self.args) self.tree = None self._subway_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) for a in [ "reason", "assoc", "prev", "next", "resource", "executable_version", "check_executable_version", ]: self._meta_query_attr(a) for k in [ "pending", "running", "finished", "aborted", "checking", "resolving", "checked", "frustrated", "failed", "resolved", ]: self._meta_query_key(k) for t in [ "creating", "beginning", "finishing", "checking", "ending", "beginning_real", ]: self._meta_query_ts(t)
[docs] def __call__(self): try: if self.args.version: print("subway version:", version) return if self.args.command not in ["init", "i", "help", "h", "debug", "d"]: # there is no system independent elegant way to get root path in python # see cp = self.args.dir # last path, current path while True: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cp, ".subway")): self.dir = cp break lp = cp cp = os.path.dirname(cp) if cp == lp: # confirm lp is root path raise CLIException( message="fatal: Not a subway project", code=14 ) self.conf = load_json(os.path.join(self.dir, ".subway", "config.json")) self.history = load_json( os.path.join(self.dir, ".subway", "history.json") ) # conf cannot load for init getattr(self, self.args.command, "help")() except CLIException as e: print(e.message, file=sys.stderr) if not self._test: exit(e.code) else: return e.code
[docs] def init(self): if self.args.conf is not None: with open(self.args.conf, "r") as f: conf = json.load(f) else: conf = None env_init(self.args.dir, conf) print( "the subway project has been successfully initialized in %s" % self.args.dir )
i = init
[docs] def run(self): executer = self.conf.get("entry_point", "") r = os.path.join(self.dir, executer), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if self._test: if r.returncode != 0: raise TestBubble("entry point return with error")
r = run
[docs] def query(self): if not self.tree: self.tree = HTree(self.history) self.jid = self.args.path if self.jid: self.jid = self.tree.match(self.jid) # print(self.jid) print("matched job id is %s" % self.jid, file=sys.stderr) if self.args.statement: self.args.action = "condition" if not self.args.action: raise CLIException("Must specify one action for query") return getattr(self, "query_" + self.args.action, self.query_info)()
q = query # beginning_real_ts, reason, assoc
[docs] def query_info(self): if self.jid: print_json(self.history[self.jid]) else: print_json(self.history)
[docs] def query_tree(self): if self.jid: self.tree.print_tree(self.jid) else: self.tree.print_trees(self.tree.roots())
query_t = query_tree
[docs] def query_input(self): if self.jid: inputpath = os.path.join( self.dir, self.conf.get("inputs_dir", ""), self.jid ) if os.path.exists(inputpath): with open(inputpath, "r") as f: content = f.readlines() print("".join(content)) else: raise CLIException("no input files for %s" % self.jid) else: self._noid()
query_i = query_input
[docs] def query_output(self): if self.jid: outputpath = os.path.join( self.dir, self.conf.get("outputs_dir", ""), self.jid ) if os.path.exists(outputpath): with open(outputpath, "r") as f: content = f.readlines() print("".join(content)) else: raise CLIException("no output files for %s" % self.jid) else: self._noid()
query_o = query_output
[docs] def query_root(self): if self.jid: print(self.tree.root(self.jid)) else: print(*self.tree.roots(), sep="\n")
query_r = query_root
[docs] def query_leaves(self): if self.jid: print(*self.tree.end(self.jid), sep="\n") else: print(*self.tree.leaves(), sep="\n")
query_l = query_leaves
[docs] def query_state(self): if self.jid: print(self.history[self.jid]["state"]) else: s = set() for _, st in self.history.items(): s.add(st["state"]) print(*s, sep="\n")
query_s = query_state
[docs] @staticmethod def _get(s, k, _default=None): """ ``_get({"a": {"b":1}}, "a.b") = 1`` :param s: Dict. :param k: str. Key string separating with "." :param _default: Any, default return when nothing match. Default value is None. :return: """ ks = k.split(".") d = s for i in ks: if i.startswith("list_"): try: ind = int(i[5:]) d = d[ind] except (IndexError, ValueError): return _default else: if d.get(i): d = d[i] else: return _default return d
[docs] @staticmethod def _set(s, k, v): """ ``_set({"a":{"b":{"c":2}, "zz":"pp"}}, "a.b.m", "q")={'a': {'b': {'c': 2, 'm': 'q'}, 'zz': 'pp'}}`` :param s: Dict. :param k: Any. :param v: Any. :return: Dict. after the set """ ks = k.split(".") d = s for c, i in enumerate(ks): if not isinstance(d.get(i), dict): if c == len(ks) - 1: d[i] = v break else: return s d.setdefault(i, {}) d = d[i] return s
[docs] def query_condition(self): # print(self.args.statement) #debug, try: st = statement_parser(self.args.statement) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise CLIException(message=e.args[0]) # print(st) joblist = [] tskset = set() # {(beginning_tso, beginning_ts)} for k, v in st.items(): if k.endswith("_tso"): # tsk = "".join(k.split("_")[:-1]) + "_ts" tsk = k[:-1] tskset.add((k, tsk)) for tso, tsk in tskset: for j, s in self.history.items(): if s.get(tsk): s[tso] = datetime.fromtimestamp(s[tsk]) for j, s in self.history.items(): for k, v in st.items(): if v[0] == "=": if self._get(s, k): # print(j, k, s[k], v[1]) if self._get(s, k) != v[1]: break else: break elif v[0] == "<": if self._get(s, k, "") != "": if ( isinstance(v[1], list) or isinstance(v[1], set) or isinstance(v[1], tuple) or isinstance(v[1], dict) ): if self._get(s, k, "") not in v[1]: break elif self._get(s, k, "") >= v[1]: break else: break elif v[0] == ">": if self._get(s, k, "") != "": # s.get(k) is not enough, # since we also have to exclude [] namely [] should return true if ( isinstance(self._get(s, k), list) or isinstance(self._get(s, k), set) or isinstance(self._get(s, k), tuple) or isinstance(self._get(s, k), dict) ): if v[1] not in self._get(s, k, ""): break elif self._get(s, k, "") <= v[1]: break else: break elif v[0] == "<=": if self._get(s, k): if self._get(s, k) > v[1]: break else: break elif v[0] == ">=": if self._get(s, k): if self._get(s, k) < v[1]: break else: break elif v[0] == "<>": # unequal sign if self._get(s, k): if self._get(s, k) == v[1]: break else: break else: joblist.append(j) print(*joblist, sep="\n")
[docs] def _meta_query_attr(self, key): def f(s): if s.jid: v = self.history[self.jid].get(key, "") if isinstance(v, list): print(*v, sep="\n") else: print(v) else: s._noid() setattr(self, "query_" + key, partial(f, self))
[docs] def _meta_query_key(self, key): """ meta function to generate member function for this class, generate function as follows .. code-block:: python def query_checked(self): if self.jid: print("1" if self.history[self.jid]['state'] == "checked" else "0") else: r = [] for j, s in self.history.items(): if s['state'] == "checked": r.append(j) print(*r, sep="\\n") :param key: str. The added function will be named as ``query_key`` :return: None """ def f(s): if s.jid: print("1" if self.history[self.jid]["state"] == key else "0") else: r = [] for j, d in s.history.items(): if d["state"] == key: r.append(j) print(*r, sep="\n") setattr(self, "query_" + key, partial(f, self))
[docs] def _meta_query_ts(self, tstype): def f(s, readable=True): if s.jid: ts = self.history[s.jid].get(tstype + "_ts", "") if ts: if readable: ts = ts2str(ts) print(ts) else: raise NoAttribute("no %s timestamps for %s" % (tstype, self.jid)) else: self._noid() pfstr = partial(f, self, True) pfts = partial(f, self, False) # setattr(self, "query_" + tstype, pfstr) # may be conflict to state search setattr(self, "query_" + tstype + "_ts", pfts) setattr(self, "query_" + tstype + "_time", pfstr)
[docs] def config(self): if self.args.action == "show" or self.args.action == "s": print_json(self.conf) elif self.args.action == "edit" or self.args.action == "e": editor(os.path.join(self.dir, ".subway", "config.json"))
c = config
[docs] def help(self): self.parser.print_help()
h = help
[docs] def _history_clean(self): with open(os.path.join(self.args.dir, ".subway", "history.json"), "w") as f: json.dump({}, f)
[docs] def _copy_setup(self, fname): aname = fname.split("_")[1:] aname = "_".join(aname) shutil.copy( os.path.join(self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", fname), os.path.join(self.args.dir, aname), )
[docs] def debug(self): if self.args.object == "history": if self.args.action in ["clear", "clean"]: self._history_clean() if self.args.object == "reinit": self._history_clean() self.conf = load_json(os.path.join(self.args.dir, ".subway", "config.json")) for p in [ os.path.join(self.args.dir, self.conf["inputs_dir"]), os.path.join(self.args.dir, self.conf["outputs_dir"]), os.path.join( self.args.dir, self.conf.get("check_inputs_dir", "cinputs") ), os.path.join( self.args.dir, self.conf.get("check_outputs_dir", "coutputs") ), ]: if os.path.exists(p): shutil.rmtree(p) os.mkdir(p) if self.args.object == "setup": if self.args.action == "rgd": conf = load_json( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_config.json" ) ) conf["_py"] = sys.executable env_init(self.args.dir, conf, include_main=False) var_dict = { "_py": sys.executable, "_sub": "RgDSub", "_chk": "RgDChk", "_from": self.args._from, } simple_template_render( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_main.template" ), os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), var_dict, ) for f in [ "", "", "rg_sbatch.template", "rg_check_sbatch.template", "rg_input.template", ]: self._copy_setup(f) elif self.args.action == "rgs": conf = load_json( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_config.json" ) ) conf["_py"] = sys.executable env_init(self.args.dir, conf, include_main=False) var_dict = { "_py": sys.executable, "_sub": "RgSSub", "_chk": "RgSChk", "_from": self.args._from, } simple_template_render( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_main.template" ), os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), var_dict, ) for f in [ "", "rg_sbatch.template", "rg_input.template", ]: self._copy_setup(f) elif self.args.action == "rgl": conf = load_json( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_config.json" ) ) conf["_py"] = sys.executable env_init(self.args.dir, conf, include_main=False) var_dict = { "_py": sys.executable, "_sub": "RgSub", "_chk": "RgChk", "_from": self.args._from, } simple_template_render( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_main.template" ), os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), var_dict, ) for f in [ "", ]: self._copy_setup(f) elif self.args.action == "rgn": conf = load_json( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_config.json" ) ) conf["_py"] = sys.executable env_init(self.args.dir, conf, include_main=False) var_dict = { "_py": sys.executable, "_sub": "RgNSub", "_chk": "RgNChk", "_from": self.args._from, } simple_template_render( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "rg_main.template" ), os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), var_dict, ) for f in [ "", "rg_input.template", ]: self._copy_setup(f) elif self.args.action == "pin": conf = load_json( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "pi_config.json" ) ) conf["_py"] = sys.executable env_init(self.args.dir, conf, include_main=False) var_dict = { "_py": sys.executable, "_sub": "PiNSub", "_chk": "PiNChk", } simple_template_render( os.path.join( self._subway_path, "examples", "miscs", "pi_main.template" ), os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), var_dict, ) for f in [ "", "pi_input.template", ]: self._copy_setup(f) os.chmod( os.path.join(self.args.dir, conf.get("entry_point", "")), 0o700 )
d = debug
[docs] def _noid(self): raise CLIException("Please specify job id", code=12)