Source code for subway.bootstrap

actions when sub init in cli, including mkdir, touch files and render templates in templates fold

import os
import sys
import json
import shutil

## note conf here is not from config.json, since there is no such file at the phase
## the source of the conf here should be interactive cli or specify json file from sub init -f config.json
[docs]def env_init(path, conf=None, fromfile=None, include_main=True): """ initialize a subway project including: mkdir .subway, and inputs/outputs check inputs/outputs dirs if possible create config.json and empty history.json within .subway render an example :param path: str. absolute path for subway project dir :param conf: Optional[Dict], Default None, indicates a simple default config is applied. :param fromfile: Optional[str]. Default None, indicates a default example will be rendered. If specified as a full path, the corresponding file will be copied into subway project as entry point. :param include_main: Optional[bool], default True. If False, is not rendered. :return: None. """ if not conf: conf = default_conf(path) mkdirs(path, conf) render_config(path, conf) render_history(path) if include_main: render_main(path, conf, fromfile)
[docs]def default_conf(path): """ generate default config dict for subway project :param path: str. ``conf["work_dir] = path`` :return: Dict. The default config dict. """ conf = {} conf["inputs_dir"] = "inputs" conf["outputs_dir"] = "outputs" conf["check_inputs_dir"] = "cinputs" conf["check_outputs_dir"] = "coutputs" conf["work_dir"] = path # not necessary, can serve as a double check conf["resource_limit"] = {} conf["entry_point"] = "" conf["_py"] = sys.executable return conf
[docs]def mkdirs(path, conf): """ mkdirs for "inputs_dir", "outputs_dir", "check_inputs_dir", "check_outputs_dir", if they are mentioned in conf dict :param path: str. full path for subway project. :param conf: Dict. config dict for subway project. :return: None """ os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, ".subway")) for d in ["inputs_dir", "outputs_dir", "check_inputs_dir", "check_outputs_dir"]: _mkdir(path, conf, d)
[docs]def _mkdir(path, conf, key): if conf.get(key): os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, conf.get(key)))
[docs]def render_config(path, conf): """ generate config.json based on conf dict within .subway dir :param path: str. full path for subway project. :param conf: Dict. config dict for subway project. :return: None """ with open(os.path.join(path, ".subway", "config.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(conf, f, indent=2)
[docs]def render_history(path): """ generate empty history.json with only ``{}`` within .subway dir :param path: str. full path for subway project. :return: None """ with open(os.path.join(path, ".subway", "history.json"), "w") as f: json.dump({}, f, indent=2)
[docs]def render_main(path, conf, fromfile=None): """ render as detailed as possible and make its permission 700 (executable). :param path: str. full path for subway project. :param conf: Dict. config dict for subway project. :param fromfile: Optional[str]. Default None, indicates a default example will be rendered. If specified as a full path, the corresponding file will be copied into subway project as entry point. :return: None. """ if not conf: entry_point = "" else: entry_point = conf.get("entry_point", "") if not fromfile: mainpy = """#! {_py} import os from subway import cons cons.work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) from subway.config import conf, history from subway.workflow import main_once, main_rt from subway.plugins import DebugSub, DebugChk if __name__ == "__main__": main_once(DebugChk(), DebugSub()) """.format( _py=sys.executable ) with open(os.path.join(path, entry_point), "w") as f: f.writelines([mainpy]) else: # fromfile shutil.copyfile(fromfile, os.path.join(path, entry_point)) os.chmod(os.path.join(path, entry_point), 0o700)